Apr 8, 2018
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Mike Mears's shop in Riner, VA
Main Event: Taking to Mike about his Luthier business, Click on the link to learn more about Mike.
Robbie Jointing top and back plates
Mike showed Robbie how to use the jointer to prepare the edges for gluing. (Sorry the jointer isn't in the pic.)
Simple light building form.
Mike uses rigid foam insulation to make his building forms. It has a wooden frame, hinged in the middle on one end and a latch for opening and closing on the other end.
Mike's V-Braced guitar
Wtih all the talk about Taylor's v-bracing, Mike decided to try it out. He quickly built this one - started on Monday and showed it to us on Sunday. Right now, the finish is just a wash coat of lacquer. His assessment of the sound - a little clearer than a typical x-braced guitar.
Split Bridge
Kenny brought a guitar with a cracked bridge. Mike removed it and found a suitable replacement in a stash of pre-made bridges.
Glasswork from Elizabeth Ryland Mears (Mikes wife, aka Liz)
On the level below Mike's workshop is Liz's workshop where she does glasswork. You can visit her website at Click on the photo to see more of her work.