Feb 17, 2013

Headstock Overlay

The headstock overlay is cut from the same piece of bookmatched walnut as the rosette. A thin (0.020") maple veneer was sandwiched between the headstock and the walnut overlay.

Headstock Veneer Headstock Veneer

Tuner Holes

First the tuner centers are marked.

Tuner centerlines marked on headstock

Then a doweling jig is used to drill the tuner holes. Note the spacer on the back side of the headstock to center the doweling jig.

Doweling Jig

Jack explains the steam box to Jim and Howard

Jack Explains Steam Box

Justen and CNC cut body

Justen and body CNC Machine

Jack advises on bending the coaming lip on Larry's kayak.


Larry Sakayama's shop in Wirtz

Meeting highlights: Scarf joint headstock, Slotted headstock, CNC machine progess, and a steam bending box. Guest - Littlebetty Darby.

Scarf Joint Headstock

Starting from the neck blank (left column top), the blank is first ripped into neck shafts, then the shafts are scarf cut for the 15 degree angled headstock. The thicker shaft (photo left) will be used to create a stacked heel.

Scarf Cut Set-up Scarf Cut Set-up Scarf Cut Complete Neck pieces Glue Scarf Joint Completed Scarf Joint

Slotted Headstock

The slots are made after the overlay is done (photos left column) and the tuner holes are drilled (photos left column).

The slots are first roughed out on the drill press, cleaned up with a chisel, and cut to final shape with a flush trim bit on the router.

Tuner Holes Drill Slot Drilled Slot Flush trim bit Slots competed

Jack's Steam Box

Jack brought a steam box he's building to bend banjo rims.

Steam Box Steam Box Steam Box Steam Box

Justen's CNC Progress

Justen brought a guitar body cut on his kit-built CNC machine. Also showed some test cuts on foam. He explained the set-up process and operation.


Other Stuff

Litteberry plays Larry's first guitar. Roy, Howard, Robbie, and Littleberry examine a scarf joint neck.

Littleberry BRL

Parlor Guitars

Larry completed these two parlor guitars in Nov.

Guitar Guitar
Guitar Guitar
